Category: News

New vScope Content Update: Stay Up-to-Date with Enhanced IT Documentation


October 30, 2024 · Anton Berghult · Content · 2 min New IT Service Layouts & Documentation Templates in vScope With our latest update, we have added more bundled content to help you excel your IT documentation standards. With more layouts and tables, you can be sure that your documentation has never been better.

New vScope Content Update: Stay Up-to-Date with Enhanced IT Documentation2024-11-04T10:46:51+00:00

Section Separators for a more customized Dashboard experience


October 29, 2024 · Anton Berghult · Dashboard · 2 min Enhance Your Dashboard Experience with Section DividersElevate your dashboard with new widgets for organizing content into sections! vScope's latest feature, Section Dividers, allows you to effortlessly group and categorize widgets by use case, priority, or asset type for a streamlined, intuitive view.Sections for

Section Separators for a more customized Dashboard experience2024-11-25T14:30:26+00:00

Tracker’s got a new look


NEWS Let vScope track anomalies and changes for you Start off your week with a new fresh look of vScope's popular alerting tool – Tracker. Setting up cases to keep track of changes, anomalies and common configuration errors in your IT environment, is now easier (...and better looking...) than ever.

Tracker’s got a new look2024-09-23T10:53:17+00:00

Introducing PowerShell: Custom inventory of Registry Keys


PRODUCT UPDATE Windows PowerShell and Just Enough Administration: Unleashing New Dimensions in IT Inventory with vScope With PowerShell, you can now enjoy a more flexible and customizable approach to documenting and reporting on your IT assets. In the latest update of vScope, you can create more custom reports and IT documentation about your IT

Introducing PowerShell: Custom inventory of Registry Keys2024-11-25T14:11:32+00:00

Introducing Device Collection from Azure AD


PRODUCT UPDATE Introducing Device Collection from Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) We're excited to introduce a valuable addition to vScope that will elevate your IT asset management game. With the new integration to Azure AD*, vScope now allows you to effortlessly collect devices directly from your cloud AD, extending the coverage of what's in

Introducing Device Collection from Azure AD2024-11-25T14:09:01+00:00

Introducing IP Insight – the ultimate tool for documenting IP addresses


Introducing IP Insight - the ultimate tool for IP Address Documentation As a part of vScope's IT inventory platform, IP insight provides you with a comprehensive overview of all IP addresses discovered by vScope. With IP Insight, you can easily document IP addresses, saving you valuable time and resources. IP Insight will be rolled

Introducing IP Insight – the ultimate tool for documenting IP addresses2023-10-27T12:43:06+00:00

Explore asset relations from tables


PRODUCT UPDATE Explore asset relations from tables We are introducing a new power feature that unlocks completely new forms of customizability in vScope: Creating and filtering tags from relationships. Let's go through this and all the other highlights from the latest update of vScope. Tags from relationship, what does that even mean?

Explore asset relations from tables2023-10-27T12:20:13+00:00

Collect additional information about user accounts in other data sources


PRODUCT UPDATE Collect additional information about user accounts In the latest update of vScope, you can use the CustomSQL integration to inventory more information about user accounts. This will help you enrich the data about user account assets in vScope, without requiring a full integration to your a data source. This is just one

Collect additional information about user accounts in other data sources2024-11-25T13:55:05+00:00

Document your Azure App Registrations in vScope


PRODUCT UPDATE Document your Azure App Registrations in vScope In the latest update of vScope, we've added two new asset types: Azure App Registrations and Load Balancers. This way you can collect more assets and reports in vScope, making them easy to search, document, and share with your team. Read all about it and

Document your Azure App Registrations in vScope2024-11-25T14:27:10+00:00