Category: News

Product Update: Extended tag options


PRODUCT UPDATE Tags: Math functions and Extended Properties from Microsoft SQL With tags you can add custom notations to you assets. Use rules to automate tagging, or just add manual notes to better describe what your assets are about. In the latest release of vScope we have added two more

Product Update: Extended tag options2024-11-25T14:28:04+00:00

New Content: Nutanix & Windows 365 Defender


PRODUCT UPDATE New content added to vScope We are continuously adding and updating vScope with new content. This way, you will always have quick access to insights about your IT environment. You can find all content by either searching vScope or by browsing your vScope Library. Here is the latest content news, added in

New Content: Nutanix & Windows 365 Defender2023-10-27T12:21:03+00:00

New Integration: Microsoft 365 Defender


PRODUCT UPDATE New Integration: Microsoft 365 Defender Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is a cloud-based email filtering service that helps protect your organization against advanced threats like phishing and malware attacks. Now you can collect assets and metrics from Microsoft 365 Defender into vScope to create reports, collaborate and cross-relate

New Integration: Microsoft 365 Defender2024-11-25T14:21:00+00:00

Invite people to vScope via email


PRODUCT UPDATE Invite people to vScope via email Now you can invite any user to vScope by adding its email as collaborator. This means that collaborators don't have to be an existing user in vScope, making it easier to share insights about your IT to anyone in, or outside your

Invite people to vScope via email2024-11-25T14:18:32+00:00

Tag Manager: Preview and manage tags created in vScope


PRODUCT UPDATE Tag Manager: Preview and manage tags created in vScope With the latest update of vScope, you can preview tag configurations directly in Tag Manager to better manage all user created tags. Using tag descriptions allows you quickly describe the tag setting, allowing more people to understand user-created tags. Notice 👉 You need

Tag Manager: Preview and manage tags created in vScope2024-11-25T14:31:14+00:00

New Integration: Nutanix


PRODUCT UPDATE New Integration: Nutanix The Nutanix Cloud Platform comprises hybrid cloud infrastructure, multi-cloud management along with unified storage, database services, and desktop services, to support any application and workload, in any location... And now you can integrate Nutanix with Nutanix to collect all assets in one place, together with information from eg. SCCM,

New Integration: Nutanix2024-11-25T14:22:02+00:00

What’s new vScope 3.21.0


What's new in vScope Check out a few features that help you improve reporting and collaboration across your organization OVERVIEW Browse what's in your vScope Explore bundled content in vScope, such as security reports and infrastructure documentation, or content created by you or your colleagues. vScope Library

What’s new vScope 3.21.02023-06-07T07:35:30+00:00

Library: Browse what’s in your vScope


Library: Browse what's in your vScope With library, you can browse and overview tables and dashboards in vScope. Together with the new concept "Collection", vScope has been updated to better meet the increasing need for a holistic perspective of what the IT landscape looks like. Get started with Home Screen After signing into vScope, you

Library: Browse what’s in your vScope2023-10-27T12:21:39+00:00

Organize vScope’s content with Collections


PRODUCT UPDATE Introducing Collections: Organize your vScope content Collections are like folders, in which you can categorize content you've created. This way, you can much easier overview what's available in vScope. Create a collection for each organizational unit in your company, collect all security content under 'Security Reports', or why

Organize vScope’s content with Collections2023-10-27T12:21:49+00:00

Sign in using Azure AD SSO


PRODUCT UPDATE Sign in to vScope with Microsoft using Azure AD SSO Make vScope accessible to more people in your organization by adding Azure as an identity provider. Using Azure as your identity provider empowers collaboration across teams and using vScope as your organization's shared tool for documentation and IT reporting. Introducing Azure

Sign in using Azure AD SSO2024-11-25T14:15:31+00:00