Explore asset relations from tables
We are introducing a new power feature that unlocks completely new forms of customizability in vScope: Creating and filtering tags from relationships. Let’s go through this and all the other highlights from the latest update of vScope.
Tags from relationship, what does that even mean?
Every now and then when our users are building reports in vScope, they come up with this brilliant idea of adding additional information about assets from relations. The use cases can vary… a lot! But the end result is always very powerful. Now you can customize your reports any way you want, viewing the exact information you want. Need some examples to get started?
Like when wanting to filter laptops, based on what company the Primary User of the laptop belongs to.Or…
When you want to only show databases that are running on a server that is part of a specific IT service.
when you want to list all user accounts, that have enrolled devices in Azure, which has an outdated operating system
creating a list about all applications, that are installed on a laptop, that has a primary user, that has not been logged on for more than 30 days.
Yes, the list of use cases can be long! This is why we are adding the feature Tags from Relationship.
How to use Tags from Relationship
Notice 👉 You need to be Contributor or Administrator in vScope to manage tags
We want to create a tag, showing:
The Company (Tag) name…
…of the User Account (Asset)…
…that is Manager For (Relationship)…
…a User Account (Asset).
This tag will help us filter out all User Accounts that belong to a certain company, even though their company tag is empty (eg. someone skipped adding a value in the Active Directory).
So let us input this into vScope. Create a new Table about User Accounts
Click on the yellow button Create Tag to start building your tag
Enter a tag name, eg. “Company of Manager“…
Select “Value from Relationship“
Select “User Accounts“
Select Relationship: “Managed By“
Select Tag: “Company”
Preview and admire your work before clicking save!
Additional news: Try the IP planning tool IP Insight
We have made some nice updates to IP Insight, the smart IP planning tool in vScope. You can find it in your vScope Library. Go check it out!
Learn more
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