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What’s new vScope 3.21.0
What's new in vScope Check out a few features that help you improve reporting and collaboration across your organization OVERVIEW Browse what's in your vScope Explore bundled
vScope 3.21.0
vScope 3.21 April 18, 2022 Features 🎉 vScope Library: Browse and manage all vScope's content in one place. Learn more 🎉 Collections: Arrange content based on eg. use cases, customers, or organizational units. Learn
Library: Browse what’s in your vScope
Library: Browse what's in your vScope With library, you can browse and overview tables and dashboards in vScope. Together with the new concept "Collection", vScope has been updated to better meet the increasing need for
Organize vScope’s content with Collections
PRODUCT UPDATE Introducing Collections: Organize your vScope content Collections are like folders, in which you can categorize content you've created. This way, you can much easier overview what's available in
Thule Group
THULE GROUP + VSCOPE A single source of truth puts every team member on the same page Photo by Thule Group Consolidated IT documentation through
Sign in using Azure AD SSO
PRODUCT UPDATE Sign in to vScope with Microsoft using Azure AD SSO Make vScope accessible to more people in your organization by adding Azure as an identity provider. Using Azure as your identity provider
Schedule price increases in vScope billing
PRODUCT UPDATE Schedule price increases New year! Is it time for price adjustments in your price lists? With vScope you can now easily create a new version of a price list and also bulk
Suggestions to help you improve data quality
PRODUCT UPDATE Suggestions to help you improve data quality vScope automatically helps you to minimize the number of duplicate assets from multiple data sources by matching numerous criteria. Suggestions are
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