More efficient collaboration with outsourcing partners
vScope at SKR
A complete overview over the IT
The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner, SKR) is both an employers’ organization and an organization that represents and advocates for local government in Sweden. They represent the interests of Sweden’s 290 municipalities and 21 regions and acts on their initiative. SKR employs around 440 people.
The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner, SKR) uses vScope to gain oversight of their IT service and order delivery. The vScope platform offers SKR a comprehensive overview of all components in their IT environment and continually suggests improvements.
– The overview that vScope provides ensures me that we have an IT environment that is in line with what we are paying for, says Urban Karlsson, IT Operations Manager at SKR.
vScope is providing additional value for SKR in conjunction with its search for a new outsourcing supplier. The platform gives SKR quick access to information about resource usage: which components are being used and should be moved to the new supplier, and which can be safely removed.
– We have also identified a few areas in our IT infrastructure that need to be addressed. For example, we have found some of our servers to be under-provisioned, which means they are not performing optimally and could result in a service outage, continues Urban.
“What a relief! It allowed me to finally get a complete overview of our entire IT environment”
vScope contributes to SKR being able to confirm that suppliers are providing services to the extent agreed upon.
– Our employees gain more time and it leads to long-term savings in our supplier agreements. It even helps our suppliers improve their own systems because we both receive the same information from vScope and can evaluate it together in a constructive dialogue, says Urban.
SKR previously needed to manually go through all reports that were ordered for each respective system to gain a holistic view of their IT environment.
– The main advantage of vScope is that it connects all our IT components by getting information from each system, and then presents all the results together. For example, we can see all of our servers’ performance. On top of that, I can log in, whenever I like, and get an overview of our IT environment without having to order a report or contact a colleague, Urban says.
SKR’s complex IT environment, which includes over 1,000 users and 5 subsidiary companies, has now become easier to manage.
– My first impression upon installing vScope and seeing the results was: ‘What a relief!’. It allowed me to finally get a complete overview of our entire IT environment, concludes Urban Karlsson.

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SKR- More efficient collaboration with outsourcing partners
SWEDISH ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND REGIONS - SKR More efficient collaboration with outsourcing partners vScope at SKR Overview of all systems in one view Quick access to