vScope 2.9.16
A new version of vScope has just been released. We call it v2.9.16 and includes, besides overall improvements and fixes, some completely new functionality that makes vScope better than ever.
Support for Azure Resource Manager
vScope v2.9.16 introduces extended support for Azure with the Azure Resource Manager Probe. This probe will automatically discover data from the cloud environment and let you build tables, Tracker cases and reports about it in vScope. Example of information that is Discovered:
- VMs, including information about costs
- Databases, also including data about costs
- Virtual Networks
More cloud data will be added continuously so please feel free to contact us with any feedback!
How to add Azure Resource Manager
The Azure Resource Manager can easily be added from the Discovery Wizard. Just open up Discovery Manager, click “+Add More” and select the probe under the Cloud category.
A new resource type – File System Shares
A file share is a file system which is shared by being mounted on multiple servers at the same time. A neat way to share resources between servers and users. However, it will also introduce some security threats which means that we need to make sure that the shares are only accessible by eg. eligible users (also related to GDPR). vScope v2.9.16 introduces a new resource type that will support on this security mission – File shares! It can be found under the Resource dropdown and currently shows basic information about CIFS and NFS shares. More to come (permission settings, conncted systems, etc.)
Make better use of graphs by exporting the data
By plotting graphs, we can get a better overview of trends and changes in the datacenter. vScope v2.9.16 extends this functionality by letting users export the actual data points to CSV format. Just:
- Select what data to plot…
- …the time span…
- …click the “Download”-dropdown and select CSV…
- Done!
Additional features
AD integration – Support for sub group permission
vScope v2.9.16 improves the AD integration in vScope by now also including sub group permissions from the Active Directory. This means that vScope now resolves the full hierarchy of the groups. Neat!
A New About Page
Have a look at the new About page in vScope. This is where to manage products, BETA versions and overview license limits. This first version of the About page includes a new design to better represent what is included in the product but there is more to come…
Overall improvements
- A new, more supportive License error page
- Big improvements in the responsiveness and speed of the filter panel
- Corrected typos
- Improved VM tags
- New widget to handle loading errors on the Dashboard
- Show Last Found By/Time/Date tags for certificates
Various bug fixes
- Fix for default LDAP port
- Fix for IP insight bug in Firefox
- Fix for Right-click menu overflow
- Selected tags linger in the Column picker
- Stop loading filter values on collapse
vScope v2.9.17
Overall improvements
- Drop up menus added
- Improved search functionality within Discovery Manager
- Improved labeling of information, all over vScope
- Improved LDAP probe with support for OpenLDAP
- Much more tags for Oracle added
- New tag for HDD Total Size
- The SQL Jobs resource now includes more valuable information
Various bug fixes
- Fix for issues related to SNMPv3
- Fix for showing error messages when guest access is off
- Fix for missing resources
- Fix for server/client classification
- Fix for CIFS share information missing
- Tracker cases are not shown
vScope v2.9.18
Overall improvements
- Improved Azure probe eg. support for web proxy probe and price information
- Improved Amazon AWS probe
- Added more information for Oracle probe
- New RAM tags. Description of tags can be found here
- Support CDROM CIFS Shares
- Added support for detecting SMB Server vulnerability
- New tracker cases about AD, Oracle, MS SQL
- Support for Discoveries of multiple Oracle instances
- New tags for Windows Defender
- New tracker cases including Windows Defender
- Update of the Tracker case for WannaCry
Various bug fixes
- LDAP user info throws 500 error
- Fix for Quick discovery throwing exception
- Better reset number of blocked sessions for MSSQL
vScope v2.9.19
Overall improvements
- Improved WinRM discovery
- Improved LDAP Credential
- Improved AWS probe
- New tags for MSSQL Clusters (only available in vScope Database)
- New tags for virtual machines: Description (only available in vScope Virtualization)
- New tags for OracleDB: Features, watermarks, RAC config (only available in vScope Database)
- New tags for Windows Defender
- UI improvements for smoother user experience
- WinRM is no longer in BETA
Various bug fixes
- Users form the directory service are now available to quick share to
- Fix for capitalized letters in email
- Fix for tags not fully being displayed on properties page
vScope v2.9.14 & v2.9.15
vScope v2.9.15 is maintenance release containing many performance optimizations, especially for larger (> 1000 servers) installations. A few minor features has made its way to this release as well:
The release includes:
- Tracker cases to easily find all SHA1 web certificates. Modern browsers are about to stop supporting them
- Special email-notification to vScope Admins when vScope disk is full
- Possibility to tailor table export formats. Found as a new separate heading under Settings
- WMI performance improvement towards Citrix-servers
- Improvements in SSH-probe to read data from SLES och RHEL Linux distributions
- Tailored suggestion table “Server List” now visible again
- Oracle-probe now supports “login as SYSDBA”
- Improvement in IP Insight when having many IP-ranges
- Quick-loading of columns in Table Explorer
- Faster querying of historical values
- Correct showing test credentials result of SC VMM
vScope 2.9.9
vScope v2.9.9 is here – adding new functionality and improvements that makes this the best vScope version ever!
Omnisearch – Everything you need to know in one place
The Omnisearch functionality lets you access any machine from one single input field. This is a great feature when navigating among your resources on the Properties page. Just enter what you are looking for and select it from the dropdown.
The results dropdown consists of five main elements that provides you with all necessary information about your resources.
Additional features
Improved stitching functionality – Making vScope Discoveries more stable than ever
Optimizations of the sticher in vScope have been implemented to save more RAM memory and improved vScopes overall performance.
Import targets from CSV-files
vScope 2.9.9 supports imports of targets from an CSV-file. This is currently only accessible through the API but will enable much faster setup of larger IT environments.
New Database module in BETA mode now in vScope
We are currently working on a major upgrade of vScope in forms of different modules. Our latest modul is called vScope Database and is accessible in vScope during its BETA-phase. Licensing vScope Database will give you access to the new Database properties view that aggregates everything you need to know about your databases. In one-single-view.
IMPORTANT NOTICE – vScope Database requires a separate license but is offered as complementary during BETA-phase.
Overall improvements
- Several new tags added related to Oracle DB (Only available in vScope Database)
- New resource: Oracle Schemas (Ony available in vScope Database)
- Added fix for user class that was not working correctly in Windows Server 2013 environments
- Added support for “hops” in the vScope model to enable better relationships view
- vScope now converts invalid characters reported by SNMP back to ÅÄÖ
Various bug fixes
- Fix for “Delayed insert timeout” – MySQL
- Fix for erroneous timestamp
- Fix for not being able to get tag from related resource
- Hide “Model Actor Pruner” from Timeline by default
- More stable VMware probe not failing on duplicate UUIDS
- SNMP now clears errors from printers that no longer is discovered by vScope
- Updated description on tracker cases
vScope v2.9.10
Overall improvements
- Added “Max Size” tag to Database Properties page
- Automatically hide empty boxes from relationship view
- Improved tracker cases
- Improved MSSQL probe making it more stable
- WinRM now supports encrypted traffic
Various bug fixes
- Fix for front-end not updating automatically
- Fix for invalid sharing link
- No longer 404 error when trying to open Printers on properties page
- Links on Properties page to related resources are no longer broken
- RDP is now back on the properties page
vScope v2.9.11 & v2.9.12
Overall improvements
- Added support to specify port settings during Discovery of MS SQL
- Click any value to plot a graph or show the history timeline on the Properties page
- Improved Tag “OS Version” on H3C, HP and 3Com Switchar
- vScope now collects information about group settings of local Windows users
Various bug fixes
- Improved WinRM probe
- Fix for duplicate Instance ID Discovering Oracle clusters
- Fix for proxy installations not updating
vScope v2.9.13
A major fix release that involves many new improvements.
Overall improvements
- Added option to remove disabled users from LDAP Discovery
- Improved database engine (Kevas2)
- Improved integration with directory services
- Improved probes including WMI, MS SQL and Azure
- Improved RawPing probe
- Improved Tracker functionality with a better selction feature
- New Tracker cases for Windows Updates and Adobe Flash
- Online Support now directly within vScope
- Video resources are now available in the cog wheel dropdown in vScope
Various bug fixes
- Changed timespan now updates plot
- Credential not saved on target float in Discovery Manager
- Entering Properties page no longer throws error message if resource does not exist
- Exporting tables now results in same format
- Fix for manual licensing bug
- Fix for missing Windows Firewall information
- Fix for overflow on properties page
- Fix for Tracker Case “Last Patch date”
- Fixed timestamp format in vScope Tracker
- The “Selection-dot-offset-bug” on scroll is now fixed
- Windows 2000 is now categorized as client OS
vScope 2.9.6
Never miss an update about what is going on in vScope
Missing changes occurring in the datacenter can be critical. That is why we invented vScope. So, staying updated with information about vScope can be a good idea. Therefore, vScope 2.9.6 comes with a notification center!
Notification center added in vScope – Don’t miss anything out
From now on, users can easily find important information and notifications outside their email inbox and directly in vScope.
The new Notification Center enables an accessible list with the latest updates about vScope. Information about shared tables, updates of vScope and administrative notifications are presented to the user under the notification bell in the header of vScope.
Additional features
New Feature: Quick Discovery
Quick Discovery is a new feature that lets users quickly Discover information of a newly added resource. Instead of running full Discovery or waiting for the scheduled Discovery to start – easily start a Quick Discovery by:
1. In Discovery Manager – Click the more option dropdown
2. Entering a target
3. Start Discovery
This will gather all available information about the added target(s). The targets will of course also be Discovered during the scheduled Discovery.
NOTICE: Quick Discovery is only possible on targets within ranges already added to vScope Discovery Manager
Track down important dependencies with the new database tags
vScope is able to easily map and visualize hidden dependencies in the datacenter. The tag “Connected Databases and systems” adds a new perspective to quickly overview dependencies from servers to databases.
The tag can be displayed in two views. From a table in Table Explorer and from a server page in Machine Properties
Overall improvements
- Improved AD integration when loading external users and groups
- Improved tracker case for WMI
- More stable proxy functionality
Various bug fixes
- Fix for Base DN settings bug
- Added functionality to remove mail recipients with backspace
vScope v2.9.7
Overall improvements
- Add search field for finding users to push user settings to
- Added initial support for discoveries with WinRM
- Changed time stamp in notifications
- Improved push settings – splitting follow and mute cases option
- Improved scrolling functionality
- LDAP Probe: Add support for querying Global Catalog
- New user template endpoint is now located under user accounts
- New dyntag for VMware VM version
Various bug fixes
- Fix for problems pushing user settings
- Fix for hidden “only show” option i Table explorer
- Fix for user being able to access UI without entering setup page
- Hide “Interest text” when visiting other user’s profile
- Hide licensing information for non admins
- Hide notification center if the license has expired
- Lower refresh rate for notification status
- MSSQL: Fix for ignoring MAC addresses
- No longer send emails to users without emails
- Overflow fixes in containers
vScope v2.9.8
A major fix release that improves vScope’s stability and optimizes its data gathering.
Overall improvements
- Added tag Max Size tag for database
- Add traffic type to port description under proxy in Discovery Wizard
- Add new CIM association: ManagesAccount
- Added various tooltips for Internet Connectivity
- Database usage tags are now hidden from timeline by default
- MS SQL Probe now fallbacks to NTLMv2 when logging in to MS SQL server
- Improved VMware Probe
- Improved WMI Probe
- Improved Quick Discovery functionality
- Set default value of query/translate of domain accounts to false
- Skip list is now a global setting in vScope – All skipped targets are fully ignored
- The skip list functionality has now been moved to settings tab in Discovery Manager
- vScope no longer sends emails after license expired
Various bug fixes
- Added missing tag “Owner” for SQL jobs
- Azure probe now uses proxy settings in vScope
- Changes in AD are now correctly shown in vScope
- Fix for ValueFormat for dyntag Amazon EC2 Hourly Rate
- Fix for clustered MS SQL databases that is not Discovered by vScope
- Fix for duplicate servers in “History Browsing”
- Fix for exception thrown when trying to rescan a server from Machine Properties
- Fix for invalid DNS-settings on windows 2003 servers
- Fix for invalid Mac address reported in vScope
- Fix for negative usage ratio on SAN storage pools
- Fix for stitch error
- Fix for web-proxy issue in AWS-probe
- LDAPs now uses default port 636
- Reusing credentials for MS SQL no longer results in “Untrusted domain error”
vScope v2.9.4
vScope v2.9.4 includes several new features for administrators in vScope to better manage users, groups and settings. This version of vScope also provides more power to the Discovery Engine with an improved WMI probe.
Push settings to existing groups or users
Pushing settings is the way administrators easily can manage the vScope content for existing vScope users and groups. Under the settings page: select a user to copy from, specify users or groups to push settings to and select what to copy. Easy!
Set default settings for new users from the Active Directory
Integrating vScope with your directory service will let you reuse existing accounts in vScope. As an administrators of vScope v2.9.4 you can now easily set a default profile for all users that are authenticated via the AD.
Additional features
Improved WMI probe makes vScope Discoveries much more efficient
vScope 2.9.4 includes with an enhanced WMI probe for better and more efficient discoveries of the operating system. The refined version of the probe now enables up to 40% faster WMI scans, significantly shortening the overall Discovery time in vScope.
Getting started with vScope with a new landing page
Users signing in to vScope for the first time will now face a new setup page for them to input additional information before continuing to vScope. Just to help them faster get started using vScope.
Overall improvements
- Added advanced option to disable portscan
- Link to profile now available in Tracker Cases
- Improved authentication for MySQL
- Improved input field for the ‘Share’ popup
- IP addresses are now resolved better
- Updated outdated tracker cases
Various bug fixes
- Credentials are no longer used on disabled ranges
- Fix for erroneous being able to remove guest user
- Fix for failed LDAP queries
- Fix for inaccurate Weekly summary emails
- Fix for potential proxy overload
- Fix for stitching issues
- Inaccurate redirection
- NetApp scan no longer resolves in SSL error
- Skip list now applies to ranges
- Overall improvements
vScope v2.9.5
Including improvements and fixes:
- Admin can now reset user passwords
- Added toggle for Newletter settings on the profile page
- Auto focus column input when opening the column picker
- Better validation of user settings
- Fix for inaccurate re-routing first users to the new user setup page
- Fix for erroneous VMware tools widget
- Fixes on the New User setup page
- Improved LDAP probe, limiting its scope
- New reset password view
- Support for VMware maintenance via VMM
- Toggles for modules are no longer muted in the about page
vScope 2.9.2
Enhanced WMI probe for better Discoveries and a brand new module for insight of Directory services – This is vScope v2.9.2
Introducing vScope Directory Services Module BETA
The Directory Service module adds a new dimension to vScope with full, agentless audit of users and group settings in the datacenter. vScope provides an easy accessible and always up-to-date visualisation of the directory service that enables a completely new perspective of user access management.
IMPORTANT: Directory Service Module is a separately licensed module, however during BETA it is offered as complementary. Also, make sure to activate this module on the about page (described below under ‘Manage modules in vScope’)
New resources and data tags available
Build dynamic IT documentation in the same manner as before but now make use of the new resources and tags added to vScope to gain an in-depth understanding of the Directory Services. Domains, Group Policies and Organizational units are all new resources in vScope v2.9.2. Making use of these building blocks, vScope v2.9.2 comes with several tailored presets to provide instant insights.
Brand new analytics for easy user access management
The Directory Services Module comes packed with advanced analytics for improved user access management of the datacenter. Have a look in VSCOPE TRACKER to find out more. Examples of analytics included:
USER ACCOUNTS THAT ARE NO LONGER USED Accounts that are not used regularly are often targets of attack, therefore be proactive and ensure to remove unused accounts before it might turn in to an incident. |
LIST USER ACCOUNTS WITH NO PASSWORD SET Avoid security threats and ensure that user accounts that can be used by anyone only have guest access in the datacenter. |
KEEP TRACK ACCOUNTS THAT IS ABOUT TO EXPIRE Receive continuous reports and notifications about user accounts that is about to expired to avoid unnecessary support requests. |
Additional features
Manage modules in vScope
Access all new features by switching on the modules on the about page. All vScope users have full access to both the new Directory Service Module and IP Insight during the BETA phase so make sure to switch the modules on to make use of all new functionalities.
Currently available is:
- Full Legacy – Provides full functionality as found in v1.x and v2.x.
- Directory Service Module BETA – The new Directory Service Module enables full insight in the user access management.
- IP Insight BETA – Easily overview nets and IPs of the datacenter.
Improved WMI probe enables enhanced vScope Discovery
The WMI probe has been refined and streamlined with over 30% for a faster and better Discovery. This is a major improvement that will shorten the overall Discovery run time.
Overall improvements
- Added tag for OS Type
- Added tag for Latest installed Windows Update
- Added tag for B/W ratio, Color prints and other printer specific information.
- Enhanced functionality for audit of Printers
- Improved and more stable SNMP probe
- Improved tooltip functionality
- Specify port for SNMP scan
- vScope now includes widgets and table presets for Clients
Various bug fixes
- Certain access points are no longer listed in tables about “All Machines”
- Checkbox is no longer toggle twice setting a wildcard filter
- Fix for asterisk disappearing when adding wildcard filter
- Fix for skip list that was not working properly
- Fix for Tracker emails not showing the latest values
- Fix for MSSQL servers identified as seperate machines
- Tracker case for Heartbleed issue now also works on Linux
- Tracker info in presets are now the same as in the Dashboard widgets
- Various bug fixes for probes
vScope v2.9.3
Various bug fixes
- Fix for AD credential missing in Discovery Manager Wizard
- Fix for vScope erroneous showing “License Expired”
vScope 2.9.0
v2.9.0 brings many new major features and upgrades into vScope. New widgets, improved filter functionality, redesigned VSCOPE TRACKER emails – everything built to give you valuable insights into your IT.
Better overview with new Dashboard Widgets
In vScope v2.9, new Dashboard widgets have been included to give you a quicker overview of your datacenter.
Top 5 Widgets
Curious about the largest VMs, fastest growing databases or the longest user sessions in your datacenter? The TOP 5 WIDGETS is your way to list the top elements of a table built in TABLE EXPLORER. With the trend triangles you will quickly identify how specific data about resources tends to change and hovering a widget will also show you more information about the specific top list.
Define your own TOP 5 WIDGETS by sorting a table on a specific column and click “Add Top 5 widget to Dashboard“.
Notice how the columns are mapped in the widget:
Tracker case widgets
The new TRACKER CASE WIDGETS are built to be displayed on public monitors in your office space and give you and your colleagues quick insights about the compliance of your datacenter. The TRACKER CASE WIDGETS come in two different versions:
Adding a SINGLE TRACKER CASE WIDGET to your dashboard will give quick information about the status of any selected Tracker case in order for you to better keep up with the status of your IT. Widgets are colored green as long as the case is not opened and will turn into given severity color whenever it’s opened.
Hovering an open SINGLE TRACKER CASE WIDGET gives you a glimpse of the items in the Tracker case to help you to faster get going with resolving it.
The new TRACKER REPORT WIDGETS give you information on how your overall Tracker health has changed since last Discovery. Overview how many cases that have been opened or which cases you’re making progress on directly from your personal Dashboard.
Sort widgets with drag and drop
The new version of vScope brings drag-and-drop functionality into the Dashboard. Now you can sort widgets any way you want by just clicking and dragging the widget into the right position.
Gain better insight – directly from your email inbox
Redesigned email notifications gives you better updates about your VSCOPE TRACKER and the compliance of your IT directly from your inbox.
Provides you with all necessary information about your followed cases. Are you making progress? What has changed?
The new version of the Summary & News email now also provides you with the current compliance of your interests in vScope for better control over that is relevant for you
Ensure that the cases that is relevant for you stays up-to-date. The newly invented Tracker Overview email delivers full insight about the followed cases in vScope.
Extended filter functionality gives you better control
In vScope v2.9 you are able to build more advanced filter queries than ever in TABLE EXPLORER. By drag-and-drop filter boxes, you can now easily combine filter expressions to only show data that fulfill your requirements. By double-clicking the filter box you can split the AND expression back into two separate filters. Easy!
Multiple wildcard filtering gives you the opportunity to match unlimited amount search expressions – defined by you.
Want to take a shortcut filtering IPs? IP range filtering let you easily show resources in a specific IP range.
Additional features
Support for directory services is now default in vScope v2.9
Let your directory service authenticate the users accessing vScope to faster get started. vScope 2.9 includes support for both LDAP and Active Directory which means that there is no need to configure new user accounts for your vScope installation. Get started instantly by activating LDAP under the setting page in vScope:
- With an admin user, open up the LDAP section
- Enable AD integration by clicking the toggle
- Authenticate your directory service
- Now vScope can be used by anyone in your active directory!
Schedule Discoveries multiple times a day
Want to Discover resources that usually isn’t available when vScope’s Discovery is running? VSCOPE DISCOVERY MANAGER has now been upgraded with support for multiple Discoveries a day. This feature can be found under the settings menu in DISCOVERY MANAGER.
Single target scans
If you’re looking for a way to quickly update the information about a specific server – wait no more! vScope v2.9 enables you to easily re-discover information of a server at any time. Just hit the “More” dropdown and select “Rescan…” in MACHINE PROPERTIES.
Configure other users’ profiles
The new login-as-another-user feature gives you, as an administrator of vScope v2.9, the opportunity to configure any vScope user’s profile. Help your colleague with setting up a relevant Dashboard, prepare a Tracker profile for a consultant or setup some scheduled emails for a friend who needs it the most!
Overall improvements
- Added User as default tag in Tables about the resource type Services
- Added label for Comment, Purpose and URL in MACHINE PROPERTIES
- Enabled scroll functionality in the Tracker Case description area
- Gain tailored insights faster by setting up personal interests when starting vScope for the first time
- Improved context menus in TRACKER
- Search functionality in the widget dropdown in DASHBOARD
- Updated settings for email notifications
Various bug fixes
- Credential count no longer doubles in DISCOVERY MANAGER when editing a target
- Filter panel search no longer breaks on new tag
- Fix for console error when opening TABLE EXPLORER for the first time
- Fix for when saving tracker cases with filters
- Fix for when opening COLUMN CHOOSER the whole page becomes scrollable
- Header offset for Firefox is now displayed correctly
- Re-linked broken Tracker change images
- Resolved issue with unmuting tracker cases
- The Tracker section in MACHINE PROPERTIES no longer includes muted cases
Release 2.9.1
- Added suport for basic presentation mode of the DASHBOARD which auto-refresh your data presented every hour
- Improved share functionality let’s you faster share your tables and insight
- Replace “No data” value from DASHBOARD with a “0” value
- TABLE EXPLORER fetches rows also on resorting
Various bug fixes
- AND filter now working as expected
- Fix for filtering tracker cases error
- Fix for unstable dynamic tagging
- Fix for wildcard search
- Hide row icon now follows on scroll
vScope 2.8.5
The new version of vScope includes several exciting features to help you to improve the understanding of your IT and to faster go from insight to action.
Automatically enrich your vScope data with Dynamic Tags
vScope 2.8.5 comes with support for so called DYNAMIC TAGS which enables you to customize tagging in vScope to fit your specific needs. Automatically add site tags to servers based on IP or why not relate servers to certain customers by automatically add a customer tag?
- With help of the filter section, define a rule for which resources that should be tagged
- Open up the the tag editor and define the name of the tag
- Define if the tag value should be based a fixed value or on another tag
Notice that a preview of the tag is always displayed directly in Table Explorer which makes it easy for you to work DYNAMIC TAGS!
Quickly manage your tags with the Tag Manager
In order to manage your tags, we’ve included the brand new TAG MANAGER which let’s you easily overview all DYNAMIC TAGS added to your data in vScope. The TAG MANAGER can be found under the settings dropdown in the top navigation bar.
TAG MANAGER gives you the power to customize, add or remove tags to your resources in vScope – An easy way to ensure the quality of your tagging!
Improved Timeline in Machine Properties
In vScope 2.8.5 you are able to hide specific tags in the TIMELINE in Machine Properties so that it better presents information that is relevant for you. Just click the hide icon to hide all events with the same title from TIMELINE. You can easily unhide any events under the cogwheel dropdown.
The TIMELINE now also shows initial values set on the machine.
Easily overview IP ranges spaces in your datacenter
With the IP PLANNER, you’ll benefit from better overview of IP ranges. For instance, find an available IP address with just a click of a button.
Connect vScope to your directory service
Let your directory service authenticate the users accessing vScope to faster get started working in vScope. vScope 2.8.5 includes support for LDAP and Active Directory which means that there is no need to configure new user accounts for your vScope installation. Get started instantly by activating LDAP under the setting page in vScope:
- With an admin user, open up the LDAP section
- Enable AD integration by clicking the toggle
- Authenticate your directory service
- Now vScope can be used by anyone in your active directory!
Overall improvements
- Added link to latest release notes under the About page
- Allow special characters such as “_”, “-” and “.” in the username
- Improved tracker cases for Panda Endpoint
- Now able to add targets shorter than three characters in DISCOVERY MANAGER
- Share functionality now support shares of specific tabs
- Split tag “Last Failed Login” into “Last failed Login User” etc.
- Support for activating/deactivating all targets and credentials in DISCOVERY MANAGER
Various bug fixes
- Corrected formatting when opening tracker cases in TABLE EXPLORER
- Fixed bug when plotting graph of some values
- Fix for guest users able to remove shared tables
- Fixed bug with scroll bar appearing in the middle of Column chooser on retina displays
- Fixed various mouse hover issues
- Fixed error message when testing credential on database server
- Fixed error occurring when creating Tracker case
- Increased limit for SMIS-S probe
- Last found age matching Last found date
- Replace invalid characters
vScope 2.8.0
vScope 2.8.0 is here, introducing several major feature upgrades and improvements of vScope Table Explorer together with an updated backend.
Split tables into tabs for a better viewing
As from vScope 2.8.0, we introduce tabs in Table Explorer – giving you a more efficient workflow when building tables and IT documentation. Split tables into tabs by clicking the tabs-dropdown and choose a tab to categorize on. Categorize virtual machines based on resource pools, folders, OS, datastores or anything else. Or make use of your own defined tag values to split tables on SLAs, customers or contact persons.
To help you get started, many Tailored Recommendations have been updated to make use of tabs. Try them out!
Missing your already saved Quick Tabs? These can be found under “Shared Tables” with the ending ‘(Quick Tab)’
View all changes of specific cells
IT infrastructure is always changing. vScope 2.8.0 enables you to trackback any of these changes directly from Table Explorer. Right-click any cell with a non-numeric value and select “Show history timeline”.
You may also plot numeric values in a graph by choosing “Plot history chart”.
Add descriptions to table presets
In vScope 2.8.0 you are able to give Tables a description. Click the pencil button to add a new description or edit an existing description by simply click on the text.
Create new tags from related resources
Have you ever built a table but are missing columns of tags that are not directly related to selected resource? What’s the ESX firmware backing a specific database? Whats is the encryption-type of a server’s web certificate?
With neighboring tags, values from related resources can easily be added into tables, making the best possible use of the unique vScope database model.
- Find the “Get tag from related resource” dropdown in the Column chooser
- Select a related (“neighboring“) resource…
- … and pick any available tag from that resource
- The tag is created and added to the table
- The new tag will be available anywhere in vScope after created
NOTE: This feature is only available to vScope admins.
New powerful database engine
vScope 2.8.0 comes with Kevas 2, the new powerful database engine from InfraSight Labs, enabling faster data handling while only using half of the disk size. Kevas 2 is the most robust build so far and is a big improvement for the vScope experience.
Overall improvements
- Various bugfixes, including:
- GUI glitches here and there
- Fixed problems with saving Azure in the Discovery Wizard
- Fixed bug which prevented users from getting the Tracker Daily/Weekly/Monthly Updates if Interest settings had not been made
- Setup page no longer redirects to dashboard but to the Discovery Wizard to help new users get started faster
- Added a bunch of Toshiba printers to list of known printers
- Discovery Manager: updated proxy information in wizard
- Improved license handling
- Better overview of billable units. Hover over the billable units in the about page to see a more detailed breakdown
- Clearer notifications of when license has expired
vScope 2.8.1
Release 2.8.1 contains bugfixes and minor improvements.
- Special read-out of IE + version. Also added a new Tailored recommendation.
- Ability to automatically redirect HTTP request to HTTPS if SSL/HTTPS has been configured and enabled in vScope/Jetty
- Added a new user page so new users can set password and interests
- Hide RAM optimized mode when not using in-RAM backend
- Changed behavior of cell history timeline. When no changes are mad, the first value discovered is shown
- Fixed browser performance problems in Discovery Manager
- Fixed problem where OS Name was not populated correctly for virtual machines discovered by VMM
- Link virtual disks to VMs even if link to host file system is missing (VMM)
- Fix NullPointerException when adding new tracker case from Table-Explorer
- Fixed problem not being able to create widgets
- Updated to Angular version to 1.5.0
- Fixed problem not being able to right-click filter cells without value
- Fixed problem with scheduling icon not always showing up
- Fixed problem with testing on IP-ranges in Discovery Manager
- And a few more bug fixes…
vScope 2.8.0
These releases includes both new features and functionality that makes vScope better than ever.
When using vScope for the first time, after this update you might need to clear the browser’s cache by doing a so call hard refresh (CTRL+F5) –
Schedule emails to tables
Looking for a way to recieve periodic and self updating reports of your IT? The new Scheduling function enables you to easily setup email reports that can be distributed to you and your IT-organization.
- Create a table (or select an already existing one) in Table Explorer
- Click dropdown button ‘Share’ and select ‘Schedule Email
- Input additional information about your report including: Name, Schedule settings and Recipients
- If you wish, enter a custom message to be included in the email
- Click ‘Save’ and you’re done!
The recipients will now receive scheduled email updates including links to selected table. One link shows the latest revision of the table. Another one highlights changes between the last day/week/month.
Discovery Manager – A one-stop-shop for targets, credentials and discoveries
Discovery Manager is a one-stop-shop for targets, credentials and discovery. The interface has gone through a major facelift and we have also introduced a number of enhancements:
- Separated views for targets, credentials, discoveries, discovery settings and proxies
- Integrated panel for discovery status (which was in a different view before)
- Better possibilities to test your settings before discovery (e.g. credentials used everywhere or in a range)
- Much better possibilities to edit both target and credentials from separate views
- Possibilities to re-assign both targets and credentials to each other
- Use skip-lists to exclude IP-numbers in a range from being discovered
- Use a Proxy-vScope for discoveries behind firewalls (see below)
Discovery using proxy
vScope Proxy is a separate software which can be installed somewhere where the master-vScope has problems performing a discovery, e.g. behind a firewall.The proxy software is resource efficient and does not require a separate server. See the proxy as a smarter type of agent, which can also discover its’ surroundings. The vScope proxy performs its’ own discovery on its’ assigned subnet. The discovery results are then shared with the master vScope over one single port.
Want to add a proxy to your vScope? Please read more on our FAQ or make use of the brand new Discovery Manager Wizard.
Discovery Manager Wizard
Discovery Manager Wizard helps both new and experienced users of vScope to quicker setup its Discovery Manager. With help of a three step tutorial you can now quickly add new content, such as Database servers, SAN and Proxies, to your Discovery Manager. Here’s how:
- Step 1 – Select what you want to discover and add to your Discovery Manager
- Step 2 – Please input credentials and targets. The Wizard will help you with suggestions of already input credentials and targets so you can quickly move forward.
- Step 3 – Done. If everything went well the content was added to your Discovery Manager. The Wizard will provide help and further information if needed if something went wrong e.g. invalid credentials or targets
Jobs Resource
- Updates to include scheduled jobs on windows machines
- Fixed problems where jobs discovery was insufficient when using Java 7 or older
Overall improvements
- Various updates of Tracker cases, and a few new ones too
- New Tracker Cases
- Overcommitted RAM on VMware Hosts for running virtual machines (Granted in vSphere)
- SwitchPorts in Use (high/low utilization)
- New Tags, e.g.
- Host RAM Ballooned / Overhead / Swap (VMware)
- SwitchPorts in Use (and count)
- SwitchPorts inactive (and count)
- Improved Tags:
- Host RAM Usage – now sums hostMemoryUsage on each VM instead of guestMemoryUsage
- Improved VMware Probe
- Merge LUNs when scanning vCenter
- Improvements in printer discovery
- First break-out of modules
- New widget-framwork
- And a lot of other improvements and refinements
vScope 2.7.1
This is a minor bugfix release. See vScope 2.7.0 for all major updates.
- Fixed problem in Discovery Manager where targets and credentials did not show in IE
- Fixed refresh on setup-page after license load
- Direct user to Credential Manager after Setup, not discovery
- Fixed re-direct issue in Jetty
- Fixed VMwate test credentials not displaying correctly when failing
- Fixed testing of Azure credentials in Discovery Manager
- Made sure vScope does not restart during stitching
For everything else, see vScope 2.7.0
vScope v2.7.0
vScope v2.7.0 is a major release including many new features and improvements.
Gain insights and become a master in Database Management
In this release we have made major additions to database management. MS SQL has gone though a major uplift and we are also introducing support for Oracle databases.
- One tool to easily browse all your databases – regardless of type
- Continuous health checks with Tracker
- Map relationships between databases and other relevant infrastructure, such as storage, virtualization and connected services
Microsoft SQL
Much more functionality; new tags and a bunch of new tracker cases to help you better manage your databases!
We are proud to announce vScope can now discover Oracle too.
Patch management
It was strong already, but Patch management in vScope is now even better!
- Find machines which are pending a manual restart with System Auto Update Reboot Required. Tags and Tracker cases has been added
- Split port from WU Server and WU Status Server into separate field. Makes the tracker case comparing the two ignoring the port setting.
- New Tag: Auto Update WU Server Port
Windows Firewall Settings
Windows firewall settings can now be displayed and monitored in vScope.
A new resource: “Jobs”
Get an overview of all scheduled jobs running in your datacenter. vScope are now collecting scheduled jobs in a separate resource. To begin with, jobs from Microsoft SQL are there, but you can expect to see more in this area to come.
History on Notes
- Find the history of all Notes
- Search among notes and the users that created them
Clickable links
Links in Machine Properties and other links, from e.g. VMware comment fields, are now clickable directly from the Machine Properties page.
Set links to webpages, internal resources or folders
Improved VMware memory resource management
Easily pinpoint VMs and hosts with RAM-problems by identifying ballooning and swapped memory. Tracker cases and tags added!
Discovery Manager – A one-stop-shop for targets, credentials and discovery
Discovery Manager is a one-stop-shop for targets, credentials and discovery. The interface has gone through a major facelift and we have also introduced a number of enhancements:
- Separated views for targets, credentials and discoveries
- Integrated panel for discovery status (which was in a different view before)
- Much better possibilities to edit both target and credentials
- Possibilities to re-assign both targets and credentials to eachother
- Use the same credential on several platforms (e.g a windows AD-account on WMI, SQL and VMware)
- Use skip-lists to exclude IP-numbers in a range from being discovered
- Use a Proxy-vScope for discoveries behind firewalls (see below)
Discovery using proxy
vScope Proxy is a separate software which can be installed somewhere where the master-vScope has problems performing a discovery, e.g. behind a firewall.The proxy software is resource efficient and does not require a separate server. See the proxy as a smarter type of agent, which can also discover its’ surroundings. The vScope proxy performs its’ own discovery on its’ assigned subnet. The discovery results are then shared with the master vScope over one single port.
Discovery optimizations and improvements
Quite a few optimizations have been made to the discovery. This relates to speed, performance, read-problems to mention a few things.
- A large number of optimizations for discovery speed and robustness
- Improved SMI-S discovery to catch situation where discovery could fail
- Better handling of Hyper-V clones
- Fixed bug in Datastore prediction tag: Est Full
Improvements of the first time-setup page
Add web proxy settings to setup-page when vScope has problems reaching the Internet. Removed step where targets and credentials were inputted. This in now moved to after initial setup to make process more lean.
- Pre-defined user-groups in vScope were removed
- Fixed problems rendering graphs in widgets
- Improvements in charting
- Fixed problem updating profile picture
- Speed improvements in fetching timeline on Machine Properties
vScope 2.6.10
Change Tracking from Table Explorer
vScope 2.6.10 takes change tracking to a new level. Simply right-click on a value in the Table Explorer to set a change tracker for an individual value or a whole column.
Editing improvements in Quick Tabs
- Open an existing Quick Tabs-preset in Table explorer to edit new columns, filters etc. Save it again as a Quick Tabs-preset over the old one.
- Make small changes to the Quick Tabs preset by opening the edit function
Release 2.6.9 and 2.6.10 also includes a few other improvement and bug-fixes:
- Discovery & Database
- Fixed problem in OS Resource where the OS name could wrongly display the VM name if the VMware powered OFF and never discovered by another probe than VMware
- Fixed wrong dependency between VMs and hosts where VMs were discovered by both VMM and WMI/Hyper-V and moved between hosts
- Tracker
- Updated Tracker case for patch warnings
- Set auto-follow for storage warning on vScope-server itself
- When creating a tracker case, it is automatically followed
- Tags
- Added Fill Rate- tags on databases
- New/updated tags for IBM Storewize disk drives
- Machine Properties
- Removed OS last active user profile time from timeline
- Credential Manager
- No longer showing characters in cleartext while entering SNMP credential
- Table Explorer
- Fixed filter- issues with 0 in ranges
vScope 2.6.8
vScope 2.6.8 includes useful and time-saving features for creating new users, an easier way to detect public IP-addresses and improvements for the charting-functionality. This release also fixes a stability-issue which could cause vScope’s database to crash when the vScope-server rebooted.
Find public IP-addresses easier
- New tags for public IPs under Machines and IP-numbers
- Updated Tracker cases
Efficiently onboard new users in vScope
- Copy settings from an existing user when creating a new one. This way they do not have to start from zero!
Table Explorer
- Added support for negative values in history charts.
- Fixed dates not updating upon zoom
- Added charting capabilites to table aggregation footer.
- Fixed filter problem in wide-search
- Fixed incorrect tag-filter from right-click when filter column has multiple values
- Increased robustness for vScope database when forcefully shut down or restarted
- Improvement in discovery timeout. Added WScript.Timeout to all vbscripts created. As a last resort, vbscripts will terminate after 30 minutes.
- Added redirect param to topbar login links. This was user gets back to the same page after login
- Updated to Angular 1.4.4
- Added link to Machine Properties from MP Settings.
- Made auto-removal days in Settings/Database input somewhat more obvious
vScope v2.6.7
Charting in vScope
With the introduction of charting in vScope, it is now possible to trend a single value over time. From Table Explorer, just right click on any value and select “Plot history chart”
- Hoover over chart to see details from any specific timestamp
- Plot charts over preset periods (e.g. 1week, 1 month, 3 months or 6 months), or…
- …use a custom timespan where you decide exact dates
- Export chart to a png-file (not available in IE-browsers)
- Charts can be moved around the screen, and you can have several charts open at the same time
Discovery & tags
Added discovery and tag for MSDTC identity. Also added Tracker case to secure MSDTC identity is unique among e.g cloned servers
Fixed various problems in WMI-discovery, which could lead to corrupt database
Various improvements in SAN-discovery, including:
- Improved credentials check. Now not returning OK if result contains 0 elements
- Improved stitching of LUNs between VMware and SMI-S
- Fix stitching of ISCSI-LUNs from SMI-S
- Added LUN descriptor extraction from VMware
- Various fixes for SMI-S on IBM StorWize
- Various fixes for SMI-S on Dell Compellent
- Fixed problem with hanging NetApp-probe
- Place tracker case status first in email subject
- Various stability improvements in hybrid/kevas database engine.
- Fixed right click menu on quick tabs
- Fixed problem with scrollbar disappearing
vScope 2.6.6
vScope 2.6.6 is a small bugfix-release following the major release 2.6.5
- Added deltamode viewing for “Change”
- Bugfix for SMI-S probe sometimes hanging without timeout
vScope 2.6.5
Change tracking
Detecting change has become even easier in vScope. Let’s say you want to track any change of a specific value, like when RAM, CPU or HDD changes on a server. Just add a Tracker case for that using vScope’s new change-computation! As always, there are lots of example-cases which can be used right away. These are found under a new Interest-label called “Change”.
vScope introduces growth prediction of storage elements. Predictions are based on monthly and weekly averages. These new values are presented under tags called Fill Rate and Estimated Full, and new Tracker cases are presented to detect e.g. File Systems predicted to be full in a certain period of time.
SAN Storage improvements
SAN-storage (SMI-S) discovery has been further improved, with e.g. IO-performance-data.
Furthermore the relationships between the SAN and the rest of the datacenter has been further visualized. For instance, found of which databases and services which are using which storage component.
Table Explorer & Filtering
- Easily toggle between all and only selected columns
- Easily remove column by clicking (x)
- Introduced Change-tracking
- Renamed “Changed” to Worse. Changed was previously used when highlighting that there were more hits in a case than before.
- The functionality is still the exact same, only the name is new
- Fixed bug, now not sending Follow-emails for muted cases
Machine Properties
- Removed domain users & groups from timeline
- More Properties on the Machine Properties has been updated with info about web-certificates
- Showing correct info with regards to NTP-server settings on Machine Properties page
- Added percentage to Machine Properties bar charts on storage
- Fixed problem deleting physical switches from vScope database
- Fixed tags DiskDrive System and DiskDrive Size for NetApp physical disks
- Fixed wrong renaming of tracker widget when adding a new user
- Better support for time server setting controlled by domain. Added tag NTP Sync Type which can be NT5DS, NTP or NoSync.
- Fixed bug in tag VMs count on hosts
- Fixed tags DiskDrive System and DiskDrive Size for NetApp physical disks
- Fixed problem with Credential Manager to automatically testing credentials when entering them
- Enabled toggle on individual values when “All Values” is active
- Fixed range filter not changing state when toggling “All values”
- Added support for dates in filter ranges.
- Fixed filter panel showing range filter on non-numeric values
- Fixed filter panel states not resetting when removing a filter
- Better support for careful handing when forcefully closing down vScope server. This is a problem which has corrupted vScope installations when servers were restarted outside vScope
vScope 2.6.1
vScope 2.6.1 is a small bugfix release
- Fixed broken tag: System names on file system belonging to physical machines
- Fixed broken tag on Amazon monthly cost causing vScope to return an error
- Improved automatic software update to better handle HTTP timeouts
vScope 2.6.0
See your SAN in vScope!
Discover. Map. Analyze. Optimize. Monitor.
Discover. Using SMI-S, vScope can now connect to almost any SAN. Initial focus has been on mapping EMC VNX and NetApp-SANs, but the SMI-S standard is compatible with most larger SAN-vendors.
Map your SAN with relations and dependencies. These do not only include the relations and dependencies within the SAN-inself, but they are reach across the whole datacenter! Easily map the dependencies between ex business critical databases and physical SAN-Disks.
Analyze the SAN using Table Explorer, or let vScope analyze it automatically using Tracker.
Optimize. This new integration comes with pre-loaded analysis features to help you fine-tune your SAN for best cost- and performance. All in the name of higher ROI.
Monitor your SAN using Tracker and receive email updates on storage level as well as configuration problems and hardware problem.
- New Table Resource types are added
- SAN Systems (The SAN Storage computing hardware)
- SAN Storage Pools
- SAN File Systems
- SAN Disk Drives
- SAN Snapshots (where applicable)
- LUNs
- Previous resource types for NetApp are removed and resources are mapped into the new structure
Performance improvements
We have made many different optimizations in this release, all in order to increase speed and performance. These include:
- Speed up opening project. Result: 10 to 500 times faster
- Free text search on large datasets. Approx 5 times faster.
- Fixed bug with browser lag when expanding filter with many values (e.g. Applications or users/groups).Result is about 10 times faster
- Fixed bug where vScope could be very slow after going back and forth between Dashboard and Table Explorer. Approx 10 times faster
- Optimizations of opening dashboard with widgets and tables, especially those built on file systems. Result is 10 times faster
- Other loading optimizations in Table Explorer
- Added further robustness in backend systems
Table Explorer
- Fixed bug in the Column Chooser that marked columns as visible even if they were not
- Added loading indicator to filter panel tags and table tag selector
- Updated vScope tracker case for Java 8
- Case to find VMs with NIC power saving enables in the OS
- Case to find machines where no users have logged in for long
- Case to find machines where users are logged in for a long time
- Selection dots are now properly hidden when ignoring elements in case results
Discovery and probes
- SMI-S storage discovery
- Added Fibre Channel adapter extraction to VMware probe
- Fixed problem where vScope didn’t update DNS-servers during discovery
- WMI: Add power saving setting model elements to network adapters
- Updated translated Java classed to CIM model version 2.43.0
- Added info about OS Last Logged in Age / Time, OS User SIDs Logged In / Count
- Added filesystem to database association in SQL-discovery
- Fixed problem with cells in Excel-export
- And a lot of other fixes and improvements…
vScope 2.5.7
vScope 2.5.7 fixes a couple of small, but irritating bugs:
- Fixed problem with manual tags including “/“
- Fixed browser refresh-problem causing the table loading to hang
- Fixed problem saving Quick Tab
- Fixed broken right-click menu in Quick Tabs
- Fixed problem fetching MySQL-data
- Fixed problem saving tracker cases from editor
- Fixed update-problem in Table Explorer after adding manual tag
- Updated tracker cases
vScope 2.5.6
On the surface, vScope 2.5.6 is a maintenance release. It holds a few valuable improvements and additions. On the backend side this release is a start of the new vScope Suite where use-case specific modules are being offered.
Table Explorer
Rewrote the whole Table Explorer with new code to make it faster and more responsive! The functionality is the same as before, with a few improvements:
- New search-function in filter-box. Search for both tag name and value in one search expression. Example: Find filters for Installed Applications = Adobe
- New and easier way to create Quick Tabs directly from Table Explorer
- Added function for reverting preset changes
- Limit column width in xlsx-export to 120, to avoid error when exporting sheets with long text
- Added button for mute/unmute to Tracker detailed view
- Fixed interest headings disappering in “All” when muting a case
- Improvements and additions to Tracker cases
- Added button in Tracker result view to ignore a machine from case results for selected cases
Click button to ignore machine ad.isl.local from many cases at once
- Ignore several hits in Tracker cases. Mark several hits and ignore them from results
Ignore all the selected machines from this particular case
A future plan is to break out vScope into several modules, all representing a use case. In this version a few preparations has been made:
- Two modules are introduced: Full Suite (which is the licensed vScope) and Basic (which is a very stripped version).
- Tags were broken out from the model into a separate module
Discovery & Backend
- Improved stitching of disks in Hyper-V + Windows OS. The solution fixes a problem when scanning with Hyper-V/WMI + OS/WMI, but not yet for VMM/WMI
- Added info icon to user list on settings page when user has no password set
- Fixed problems where Windows machines sometimes were mistakenly removed due to partial WMI-scan
- Added several Fibre Channel queries to NetApp probe
- First discovery of EMC SAN via SMI-S
- Fixed various bugs relating to Internet Explorer, e.g. User being forcefully logged out and appearance in Tracker
- Fixed bug where manual tags on re-appearing machines were not re-applied
vScope 2.5.2
Connect with remote login directly from vScope!
This release is to make you even more efficient with vScope! Discover and make valuable insights in vScope. Then, go directly to the machine and take action! From now on, you may click on a machine in vScope for an instant remote login-session (password required for security reasons of course). The remote login-feature can be reached from Table Explorer, Quick Tabs, Tracker and from the Machine Properties page.
From Machine Properties:
On right-click from a table somewhere (Tracker, Table Explorer, Quick Tabs):
As usual, a vScope release comes with lots of improvements. Here are a few more:
Machine properties page
- Windows patches are now clickable from the Machine properties page, and leads to information at Microsofts website
- Possibility to ignore several hits in tracker
- Changes summary now puts changes at the top of the list
- Optimization in DB metadata creation. Makes vScope database grow significantly slower.
- Added fallback stitching of MS SQL and Windows operating system when info is scarce
- Fixed problem with values changing “all the time” (Hyper-V + Windows discovery)
- Fixed problem preventing Summary emails to be sent
- Fixed problems in IE (especially older versions) sometimes selecting the wrong function on web page
vScope 2.5.0
This is a major release. The headline is of course Tracker 2, but there are lots and lots of fixes and other features in this one!
Tracker 2
Tracker has gone though a major facelift!
- Follow individual cases to receive in depth notifications by email. Follow keeps you updated on change
- Update your profile with Interests. This makes your Tracker-list more relevant
- Mute the cases you do not want to track and they will disappear
- Receive an email-summary once in a while to keep you on top of what’s going on in your datacenter
- Create instant widgets for each Interest on the dashboard
- Ignore results directly from the detailed presentation
- Search among tracker cases and results
- Link from Machine Properties to Tracker showing where this machine is mentioned
We’ve also updated the editor, released new cases and new computations.
But there is more:
Windows (WMI)
- Support to read Windows Update settings
- Support to read Windows RDP settings
- Fixed a bug related to MS SQL where database files not being mapped correctly to database instance
- Support to fetch data about Virus definitions: F-Secure, Trend Micro, Microsoft Security Essentials, Windows Defender, McAfee and Symantec. So far, no tags make this visible
- Last logged in Windows user
- Lots of information about RAM page files, including tags and Tracker cases
Microsoft SQL
- Avoid reading full SQL-log file (EXEC xp_readerrorlog). This could make vScope stall.
- Added reading of SQL log size info
- Tracker cases and tags for SQLlog sizes
- Various bug-fixing
SSH (Linus & Unix)
- SSH probe now queries for SSHd port settings
Table Explorer & Tags
- Added tag “System Installed Applications Vendors” to facilitate License Audit
- Added TSM preset suggestion
- Updated Windows Patches preset
Quick Tabs
- Fixed bugs in Quick Tabs making invisible tabs visible by mistake
- Added missing Custom Time-span function in Quick Tabs
- Hybrid backend is now the default option
- Fixed bug: Scheduling extra heartbeat due to error log entry via separate thread to avoid call-loop via logging framework
- Performance improvements in Hybrid backend (aka Kevas), and some bugfixes too
- Invalidated access token after successful settings of password, to avoid possible reuse of se-password link in emails. Blocking of login/authentication without password
- Tightened user access control functions
- Lots of browser-fixes, especially for IE
- Fixed bug which accidentally locked elements from automatic removal when found by several probes
- Improved handling of online backup data
- Indication of BETA-releases in top-bar
vScope 2.4.0
vScope 2.4.0 is a major release with many new features together with many optimizations and bug-fixes.
NEW! Web Certificates
- See installed web certificates and their status in vScope. Viewable settings include Vendor, Expiry dates, Validity, Strength &
- Encryption type etc. Tags can be seen on Machines and IP-addresses, but there is also a whole new Table type resource created called Certificates. New tracker cases for Certificates are added
- Certificates discovery can be done using the new HTTP-probe. Configure it from the Credentials Manager
NEW: Access points
This is a new resource in vScope. See your access point and their configuration in vScope
Microsoft SQL
- NEW Dependency-mapping of sessions. See what machines (IT services) that are related to a certain database and how it relates to the rest of the infrastructure.
- SQL master key & recovery model info added
- Fixed problems related to SQL2000
- New: Changed IP address preset to list all ip addresses regardless of if there is an attached system or not. This way the list of all discovered IP-addresses is more extensive.
- New: mapping between physical switches and virtualization. Added tags to view associations between machines and switches
- Wrapped uptime on Cisco switches using SNMP discovery. This way uptime longer than 496 days are not seen as lower.
- New way of calculating VMware snapshots. The new way mimic the calculation done in vCenter. Snapshots now get counted towards the snapshot ending a delta and for last active snapshot the currently active delta-files also gets included
- Fixed problem with high folder depth in VMware discovery
- Added tags Host RAM, Host CPU Sockets, Host CPU Cores on VMs
- Added tags for Thin/Thick provisioning and updated Tracker cases. Also added: Disk Mode, Eagerly Scrub, Disk Split, Write Through
- Fixed a bug making it difficult to scan VMM in large environments
- Don’t associate differencing virtual disks that belong to checkpoints with VMs
- Optimization and improvements to handle corrupt data from Hyper-V
User Account Management
Admin rights are now required to reach Settings, Credential Manager and Discovery.
Discovery & Database
- Added a lifetime-setting for objects in the vScope database. When machines are no longer seen in XX days, they are now automatically removed. Can be found under Settings/Database.
- Dynamic Thread Pool – An optional optimization to let vScope run with multiple more discovery threads than default when there are long response times. This feature is default off.
- Updated raw ping probe. Should now be faster when port scanning targets
- Increased timeout for WMI & SSH to improve discovery of Windows Linux and Unix.
- Other general improvements to optimize and increase speed for WMI discovery
- Implemented automatic recovery from transaction logs if disk-based DB files are corrupt
- Lots of other tweaks and improvements in new disk-based backend
- SSH/Linux: Added support for disabling access to /etc/shadow through config.ini-file.
- Fixed bug in scheduled discovery trigger that could cause extra discovery at vScope restart
- Optimizations in Search speed in Table Explorer
- Optimizations in loading Machine Properties Timeline
- Installer now remembers old settings
- About-page updated with resource utilization
- Fixed problem making filters from date-tags
- Disabling option to have several Table presets with the same name
- Fixed problem where a changed Table preset did not show up as changed without reloading page
vScope 2.3.1
This is a minor bugfix release. Please view vScope 2.3.0 to see what the major release is about.
Fixes in v2.3.1
- Fixed bug making vScope hang in certain SNMP discoveries
- Fixed bug making Quick Tabs not completing loading
- Added a bunch of Asset tags, Chassis data on physical machines etc
vScope 2.3.0
Check out this release which holds a lot of new features and a whole new backend!
Power upgrade with new database format
The main feature in this release is a whole new back-end database format. While the vScope database was previously operating in RAM, the new format is a hybrid between RAM and disk. This is a huge performance upgrade!
This release contains both new and old database format (In-RAM). The default choice is still the old format, and if you were previously running the older format you will continue to do so until you run the installer again.
To run the new format, the vScope-installer file must be run on the server again.
During setup, make sure to select Disk-based backend.
Benefits include:
- Significant lower RAM consumption
- Eternal history
- Higher fault tolerance
Table Explorer
- Increased speed of table preset filtering
- New preset-suggestions, especially:
- Deepdive into MS SQL Licensing with suggested Table Presets, new tags etc
- Custom Timeline option to set any range desired
- Fixed bug where dropdown-menus sometimes where displayed outside the screen
Machine Properties
- Made machine names under properties and in smart tags linkable. Now it’s possible to jump between hosts and machines and back again
- New Smart Tags for Databases on hosts (making it easier to work with MS SQL Licensing)
- Consistency checks. This is a new and powerful analysis to find deviations and configuration drift in the data center.
- New and updated tracker cases
- Better stitching and discovery improvement related to Hyper-V disks and file systems
- Populated attribute controllerType on virtual disks from VMM-probe
- General stitcher speed improvements
- Improved stitching of MySQL with other elements
- Fixed bug making SQL-probe sometimes to hang
- Improvements in WMI-discovery
- Changed links for Support and About from vscope.net to infrasightlabs.com
- Support for Java 8
vScope 2.2.5
vScope 2.2.5 include lots of improvements and new features. We are really proud of this one!
One part of this release focuses on creating an enhanced user experience. Examples are dynamic preset recommendations based on your specific infrastructure, or the ability to save presets for both private and global use. Another improvement is that databases on a server is now visible directly on the Machine Properties page. Add to this that there is a complete new resource type to list IP-numbers and you’ll see a pretty strong vScope release.
The other part is about strengthening the vScope platform and performance. Like always, many bug fixes and improvements have been made in a lot of different areas. Improved discovery on many platforms, e.g. Hyper-V and better stitching support to automatically map relations and dependencies to mention a few. We have also updated the underlying data analysis algorithm to increase performance of the vScope database.
More specific:
Table Explorer
- Dynamic recommendations based on your infrastructure. This is a great user experience improvement! Check out the recommendation for e.g., version control, IP-plan or something else!
- Ability to save presets for “me” and for “all”. Many have asked for this. Now it’s here!
- A new table resource: IP-numbers. Easier than ever to create IP-plans!
- New: Hide-filter och cell right-click
- Compensated for buggy browser behavior when calculating scroll position (Chrome)
Machine Properties
- Added Smart tags for Databases and Database Systems
- Quick Tabs
- Fixed problems adding tags
- Tracker case result is now refreshed upon update, full tracker run on new
- Added tags for File Systems remain, to make it easier to create Tracker cases on remaining disk space
- Added missing column chooser to tracker case editor
- Fixed problem with Tracker computations sometimes showing wrong value in web GUI
- Removed “Hz” as default unit on computation
- New and updated tracker cases
Discovery and model
- Improved discovery and stitching of Hyper-v storage elements
- Discovery of Hyper-V Clusters
- Fixed problems where Hyper-V VMs sometimes were not discovered (relating to Hyper-V v1 and 2)
- Fixed problem giving wrong name on servers running clustered SQL
- Fixed problems sometimes occurring when machines was found by both SNMP and another technology
- Added tags for SQL-server version and databases on Machines
- Fixed one problem that could make RAM-memory in vScope ballon (related to a bug in WMI and startup commands)
- RAM-optimization. Added max PermGen size=256 MB to default jvm arguments also in Linux
- Ability to Delete widgets on dashboad
- Retina support for avatar
vScope 2.2.4
vScope v2.2.4 has been released with important fixes and updates.
Important: Re-run installer to improve RAM on vScope-server
- A fix to reduce vScope-failures due to low RAM-memory. IMPORTANT: You must run installer on the server to perform this update.
- A new Tracker case to detect vScope installations which has not yet run the latest installer file (see above)
Other updates & improvements
- Problems activating licenses from account-pages solved
- Added tags for Last Found on printers and switches
- UI improvements in Table Explorer (+ Columns)
- Fixed problems loading user avatar
- Further improvements in Excel-export
- Improvements in detecting Hyper-V Integration services
- Updated Tracker cases for Integration services not running
- Fixed bug where Tracker results are hidden after changing license file
vScope 2.2.3
vScope v2.2.3 is a minor release to fix a few small, but irritating bugs. A few improvements also made into the release, such as a better Excel-export and updates in Tracker cases.
In essence:
- Better handling of Excel-exports, displaying values in MB and GB instead of just bytes
- Updates in Tracker Cases
- New table Explorer Dropdown
- Fixed bug in Tracker editor, causing Case to collapse when using filers of ranges
- Fixed Quick Tabs Settings now displaying correctly
- Fixed broken “Reset Database”-dialog under Settings
- Stitcher improvements
vScope 2.2.2
In this release we have focused on enhancing the user experience in a number of different ways. Naturally, we have also fixed bugs and made a lot of improvements under the hood – as always. All in all, this is a very strong enhancement!
Improving how you work with Search and Filters
We have improved Search and Filters in several ways in order to make it even easier to find what you’re looking for!
- High level search in Table explorer. Improved search by restricting it to visible columns. This gives better performance.
- Detailed search for any historical event on a given machine – in Machine Properties Timeline.
- Point on any cell value and create an instant filter direct from right click.
- Hide/Show selected rows on right click menu (renamed)
Making Tracker even better!
We have received a lot of positive feedback on Tracker (thank you!). We have also gotten a list of suggestions for improvements. More to come, but here are a few improvements making Tracker even better!
- Removed emailing from All cases list and removed Admins-grup from All cases email distribution
- Added some info text to Tracker Configuration
- Changed names on a few buttons for clarification (e.g. Configure lists & recipients)
- Added buttons for New List under Tracker Configuration
- Added new Tracker cases and updated quite a few
- Include Customer name (From License) in Tracker emails to facilitate for people receiving Tracker-emails from several vScope installations
- Fixed bugs in Tracker Editor where cases including a Computation were not correctly editable.
- Made Computation names more friendly
- Fixed bug in right-click menu on Tracker where menu mistakenly included a web page section
Machine Properties Page improvements
In last release we introduced the deep-dive Machine Properties-page making it super-easy to deep dive into a machine and see “everything”. In this release we have made a few improvements.
- Added Search to Timeline
- Moved VMware Datastores to storage area
- Added Machine model info
- Added “OS Last Shutdown Comment” and info
Improving Discovery
- Added SMI-S probe in Credential Manager for discovery of most SAM vendors. Data collection is now possible, although not much yet visible.
- Improved discovery robustness of Azure and fixed bug that could make Azure discovery to crash
- Added robustness to MS SQL-probe, SSH-probe, VMM, WMI, SNMP
- Fixed NIC-count problem not being discovered by VMM (but was working from WMI)
- Enabled SSH probe to run discovery in sudo-mode to capture more data
- Fixed stitching of machines having the same MAC and IP but where one machine has domain included in the name and the other one has not (WMI)
- Hardening for virtualization hosts switching physical network cards
- Added System model to machines to see brand and model.
- Added tag “Application ID” which contains GUID or other ID of application
- Improved patch date extraction in WMI in cases where Windows OS did not report this correctly
- Added tag File System Realm (virtual or physical)
- Added tag ‘Backing Diskdrive’ for Windows LogicalDisks. This contains the Diskdrive that the Logical Disk resides on
- Shortened Hyper-V Live Migration tag names
Removal of vScope database items
- We have added support to “un-see” machines from discovery. Using this feature you can now delete old machines being “stuck” in inventory or prepare them for removal by any virtualization or cloud-probe
Users in vScope
- Logged in user name is now shown in top bar
- Update to latest version of AngularJS
- Improved handling for Out-Of-Memory handling. vScope shall now restart with a clean model with manual tags migrated to new database
vScope 2.2.1
This is a minor release, fixing a bug related to vScope’s installer package for windows. A few improvements in Tracker and tags also made it to the release
- New tracker cases to cover e.g. unexpected OS shutdowns
- Improvements in Machine Properties Timeline to avoid duplicates of e.g. VM last boot values
- Fixed broken tag on Hyper-V Checkpoint size
- Fixed bug where vScope installer did not include web-UI parts
vScope 2.0.4
vScope 2.0.4 is brings visualization and analysis capabilities to IT infrastructure for increased efficiency, unveiled optimization opportunities and reduced risk in business critical IT. It’s a simple way for IT organizations to excel (without Excel).
Today we’re releasing vScope 2.0.4. It’s mainly a maintenance release for stability and performance, even though a few minor new features are introduced as well. This is the most advanced and robust vScope ever released.
vScope 2.0
vScope 2.0 is released. It’s almost a new product compared to previous versions of vScope. Check out the vScope product pages for information.
It’s really worth a test-run!
In short:
- vScope is replaced by vScope Server. Runs as a service.
- New web front-end replaces the old client
- Easy access for many
- Integration to Service Desk
- Share Table Presets via email
- Lots of suggestions of Table Presets
- Dashboard with Widgets
- An open API
- New probes
- NetApp
- MS Hyper-V
- MS Azure
- Amazon EC2 & S3
- Updated probes for VMware, WMI, SSH, SNMP
- Autoupdate of software and license. Less maintenance!
- And much, much more!
If you are running a previous version of vScope, the new installer will help migrate your old settings and data.
Do you have any questions about these releases?
Email us at customersuccess@infrasightlabs.com and we’ll happily tell you more.